More Good News! Omaha Builders Exchange Introduces Locally Managed Online Planroom


Steve Johnson, President of Omaha Builders Exchange, Inc., announced today that OBE has established the OBE Online Planroom, a digital, state-of-the-art online repository, where OBE Members will be able to access and download all available plans, specifications, and addenda for Nebraska and western Iowa construction projects.

“The OBE board wanted to provide great service and superior value to OBE members, and this new OBE Online Planroom will help accomplish that goal,” Johnson said.  “And,” he continued, “being a non-profit organization, Omaha Builders Exchange is able to provide this service to our members at a very reasonable cost.   What’s more, we believe the quantity, quality, and access to information will be equivalent or superior in all respects.”

“Any excess revenues generated through memberships to the OBE Online Planroom will be used to support programs benefiting the Nebraska and Western Iowa construction industry, including our existing programs that provide grants and scholarships in support of construction education,” he added.

“We have a great relationship with the local design professional community, and they’re going to love the new OBE Online Planroom, which is designed to ensure that all plans and specs are accurately uploaded in-full and promptly updated with the latest addenda and changes.  The integrity of their plans and specifications will be protected by this system.”

“This is a real win-win for our members, they get a better deal on the construction news and information they need at their desktops, while supporting the local industry at the same time,” Johnson concluded.

As of December 5, 2016, all OBE Members are eligible to purchase an annual membership to the NEW Omaha Builders Exchange Online Planroom.  The OBE Online Planroom is designed to get OBE Members where they need to be – and FAST!

As an OBE Member, you can purchase access to the OBE Online Planroom for a very competitive annual fee.  And best of all, your membership fees stay in our local area, helping OBE serve local needs and our non-profit mission.  Membership forms are available from Lisa Shockey at the OBE Office 402-991-6906 or on our website at  Please join today! 

And, if you’re not a current OBE Member why not join or renew today!  All levels of membership can be bundled together.  We make it EASY for YOU!  Call Lisa Shockey and get signed up today!

Features of the New OBE Online Planroom

Features of the NEW OBE Online Planroom 

The NEW OBE Online Planroom is a digital, state-of-the-art online repository, where OBE Members access and download all available plans, specifications, and addenda for Nebraska and Western Iowa construction projects.  It is designed to get OBE members where they want to be, and FAST!

  • Member access includes features such as On-Screen Takeoff, Quick-Eye display of project plans, specs and addenda, and access to My Desk, New Projects, Bidding Projects and Bid Results on their mobile devices.
  • The bulk download utility provides OBE Members flexibility in quickly accessing multiple project documents.
  • At the Bidding Projects list, OBE Members can view bidding, or past-bid projects organized by bid date.
  • By clicking on the project name, OBE Members are directed to a “Project Details” page with the project information and useful tools available as well as links to view, download and print project plans, specs and addenda.
  • From Project Details, OBE Members can view the project activity to see a list of other OBE Online Planroom users looking at the project, request to be listed on bidder’s lists, order prints or open the documents in On Screen Takeoff.
  • The OST tool allows jobs to be downloaded and printed, AND basic take-off and measuring tools can be used to compile bids by OBE Members who currently lack access to similar tools.
  • The OBE Online Planroom also offers a robust search function which allows OBE Members to search all the specs and addenda by keyword. Using this tool, specialty contractors and suppliers can easily identify projects that contain the work they do!
  • Additionally, OBE Members can also subscribe to receive nightly project updates via email that display updates on their tracked projects, new projects received, new addenda posted, or notifications of new projects that contain the keywords indicated by the member.
  • And, upon request of the project owner or design professional, OBE Online Planroom will create private projects which are assigned a private web address and password for distribution to those who are to be invited to view the project.

Call or email Lisa Shockey today to sign-up for the NEW OBE Online Planroom today!

Phone: (402) 991-6906  Email:

OBE Office Moves Half a Block North – Still in Hi-Park

The Omaha Builders Exchange office and plan room has been moved to 4159 South 94th Street, about half a block north of the prior quarters.  The move was effective November 1, 2016.

Volunteer help from several OBE board members made short work of the job, especially with the help of Ron Wellendorf and his crew from Builders Supply.  Ron, a long-time board member and former OBE president, showed up with several men, a flatbed and truck-mounted forklift.

“The office and plan room is still in Hannibal Industrial Park,” said Bob Wiechert of Lincoln Laminating, the OBE board member who led  the charge in securing the new space.  “Gary Hannibal worked hard to accommodate the needs of OBE, and we’re glad to have such a fine relationship with him.”  “OBE members won’t have to go far to find the new space, being just a few doors north of the old office in the “Hi-Park” development,” Bob said.

Gary’s father, Russ Hannibal, was an OBE Board Member for many, many years.  The more seasoned OBE members will remember Russ’ time on the board and always be grateful for Russ’ service and leadership.

The move went smoothly for the most part, but the volunteer team couldn’t budge the plan bins, which were apparently field-constructed of 5/8 inch MDF when OBE moved to the former space.  Though a photo is not available, the crew stood back as Dick “The Hammer” McMahon of Waldinger Corporation, board member and incoming OBE president, began deconstructing the old bins with the nearest available hammer.

Rich Boone, of Boone Bros. Roofing, a board member and past-president of OBE, gave Dick a breather from the bin-smashing project.  Undeterred by the lack of a roofing hammer, Mr. Boone quickly completed deconstruction of the old bins.

New bins are on order and will be installed soon in the new quarters.

“The space is smaller now and more manageable for the board, but there is still enough space for the members who use the plan room,” said Steve Johnson, of Johnson Sales, the current OBE President.  “Over the last decade or so, more and more members have gone to using digital plans rather than coming to the plan room,” he commented.

“We’re meeting the demand for digital plans with the new OBE Online Planroom, but we recognize there are still some members who like to work with paper plans, so their needs are met with this new space,” Steve said.

The OBE plan room continues to be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Lisa Shockey is busy making the new space friendly and inviting as the former location.  Feel free to stop by  and check it out when you’re in the area.

Good News

Dawid Maleki photo-1446329360995-b4642a139973
Photo: Dawid Maleki

Good News!

OBE Plan Room is now under “Old Management”

July 1, 2016:  Omaha Builders Exchange Board resumes direct management of the OBE Plan Room.

Dear Omaha Builders Exchange Member,

In the last 22 years you helped Omaha Builders Exchange provide 63 individual student scholarships and grants in support of construction education totaling nearly $100,000. The beneficiaries include Omaha Public Schools, Southeast Community College, Metropolitan Community College and the Construction Specification Institute.

Thank you. Your membership dollars are helping local students and programs dedicated to the construction trades and sciences. Your membership helps strengthen our local construction industry. Does that make you proud of Omaha Builders Exchange too?

Here’s some history. In 1990, our Board of Directors hired Construction Update Plan Room Network of Des Moines, Iowa to manage the OBE Plan Room with oversight of our Board. Per our management agreement with Construction Update, all of your dues were paid directly to Construction Update in exchange for their services for over 25 years.

Here’s the news! Effective July 1, 2016, Omaha Builders Exchange will resume direct responsibility for management of the plan room. You will now receive an invoice directly from Omaha Builders Exchange when it comes time for your renewal. And here’s even better news to celebrate — your annual dues are frozen at 1989 rates. Yes, your annual dues will be the same amount members paid in 1989 – only $300 per year!

Wow, what else can you get for the same price you paid back in 1989? What do you get for your dues investment?

  • Exclusive access to the OBE Plan Room;
  • Exclusive OBE Builders Card for cashless deposits on plans;
  • Exclusive social and networking events – like our popular ballgame outings, the Al Ludwig Memorial Golf Tournament and really fun holiday gatherings;
  • Exclusive listings for your company on the OBE website with a nominal fee;
  • Exclusive new opportunities to help you get easier access to more information and network with other members at a reasonable cost;
  • Preference in scholarship and grant consideration to students and organizations who demonstrate a relationship to members of The Omaha Builders Exchange.

How can you go wrong with a deal like this?

Seriously, we appreciate your continued membership and remain committed to providing the most comprehensive and accurate project information available. Watch our website, and your inbox for more news including exclusive member events to celebrate the big news – the “OBE Plan Room is Under Old Management.”

Please take some time to look at the Omaha Builders Exchange FAQ Sheet for more information.

Thank you for supporting the local construction industry with your Omaha Builders Exchange, Inc. membership. We would be grateful for your continued support and prompt renewal of your membership when you receive your invoice in the mail.



Steve Johnson President, Omaha Builders Exchange, Inc.

New Plan Room Phone, Fax and Email:

Phone: 402-991-6906 Fax: 402-884-7055 Email: Web:

OBE 2016 Board of Directors: Steve Johnson, Johnson Sales, President | Dick McMahon, The Waldinger Corporation, Vice-President | Tim Conway, The Schemmer Associates, SecretaryTreasurer | Rich Boone, Boone Brothers Roofing, Immediate Past President | Jeff Meyerink, Watkins Concrete Block Co., Inc. | Alan Gilmore, O’Keefe Elevator Company | Ron Wellendorf, Builders Supply Co. | Kelley Rosburg, AIA, Bahr, Vermeer & Haecker | Bob Wiechert, Lincoln Laminating | Darrell Fager, Fager Excavating | Ron Munstermann, M & M Steel | Rick Evans, Miller Electric | Jared Schleifer, The Weitz Company

Announcement Letter to OBE Members